Because there is Life, as long as there is a heartbeat. I feel sooooo alive. Goood morning world!! Eeeegunonmundo!! #thisisme #nineunaizenaizanik #heart #wholeheartedly #Life #vulnerability #alive #hearbeat
moving forward
With a focused gaze. Head held high. A willing heart. All energies activated. Moving Up. Moving forward. Goood morning world!! Eeeegunon mundo!! #thisisme #nineunaizenaizanik #Bilbo #Bilbao #Bizkaia #Life #vulnerability #dailydrawing #dailymessage
These are necessary times, times of calling, of urgency, of invoking… the creatiVITY (create&Life) Good morning world!! Eeegunon mundo!!! #nineunaizenaizanik #thisisME #acting #Bilbao2022 #VisualThinkingGlobalSummit #Bilbao2022VisualThinkingGlobalSummit #VisualThinking #VisualLanguage #acting #nurturing #flowering day4
landing (seed)
Shall we sow with our smiles, our gestures, our hugs… a little bit of hope? Good morning world! Eeeegunon mundo!!! #nineunaizenaizanik #Life #Vulnerability #Bilbao2022VisualThinkingGlobalSummit #Bilbao2022 #VisualThinkingGlobalSummit #visualthinking #visuallanguage #landing #sowing #sowing #kaixo #strongertogether #day1
yes, and…
In front of the “Yes, but…” the “Yes, and…”! Add up. Contribute. Acknowledge. Propose. Nourish. Collaborate. Create. And move forward! Together. Eeeegunon mundo!! Goood morning world! #nineunaizenaizanik #thisisme #muxote #dailydrawing #onedrawingawaykeepsthetherapistaway #Life #vulnerability
May spring bloom! Let´s spring bloom! Eeeegunon mundo!! Good morning world!! #thisisme #muxote #muxotepotolobat #Life #vulnerability #smallgestures #drawing4change #drawing4peace #strongertogether #together #flourish #nourish #bloom #spring